
It was his night, I was primed. bubbling over with faIREY JUICE.
we had drinks, drugs and drinks. after mt thrird bottle of wine at the whore club
I thought it was a good time for shots. smiling faces as big as a parade fill my vision.
i came to walking down the street in mid feburary at 20 below
holding an open case of miller light.
what's this about?!@ keep going josh, except cognitive.


Jesus don't want me for a sunbeam?...Fight you're demons I hear.........funny thing is what do you do when you're the Demon.

Knight to Queen 4, checkmate. The wicked don't get camp.

I was a lie, I think I actually burned footprints in the Chapel. I sat on everyone's shoulder and organized a massive revolt in terms of sexuality and chaos.

This resulted in my first and last year of involvement in organized religion.

Thing is...It's not evil, it's being given the option of choice......

In the end majority chooses the beaten path. easy Pickens I say. Sending the false to ruin is a good deed. Behaving evil filters and is  a heavenly mechinizism used as a necessitity by the string holders soldiers. Self awareness is paramount. The responsibility of a soul Sheppard means letting the sheep choose. Free will after all, trying to hide the bad is evil and twisted, full disclosure is the way.



Faces in my faces giant and bubbling. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I was Kinetic to a fault.

my internal was louder than your external..........

Ever dance with a Circus in slow motion on acid...

The night was a success, The Great Codini and the Rev. went on wormhole rides and were now counseling to recap the adventures. Dark matter and anti matter were exchanged. We were Waldorf and Statler hanging ten on a new coat rack of existence.

We knew exactly what your card was, women were sawed in half, then floated to the cosmos only to join the pigeons and dehydrated rabbits.

The LOUNGE had the answers!....YES! Smoke Peace with a piece of 8.

The burden of being a creator of  BlACK Holes can be lonely and bitter sweet.  

The energy draws closer and creates life, but if the energy gets too close it gets sucked down to is elements before destroyed. Everything has a shelf-life in the vortex of a BlackhOle.

Lesson #1 from the Rev. Black Holes exist for the greater good.

Exist for them.

Your gifted for them, not you. Use your gift to create, inspire, teach, pass on, be a generator of human energy.

It's a wanting existence but the Hindsight is awesome.

He whistles every morning while he does laundry.

I get conditioned to yearn this.

Not by purpose but by design...The whistle was sent from Avalon.

Without it signaled that the field was down and began the inaudible static of angry screams ...this is my alarm clock for years. Motivation, check......It was the Catalyst, I will create  a new wave, my own wave. I WILL CONTROL IT! I WILL HAVE IT MY WAY, otherwise what is the point, ride this bitch!

Negitivity only distracts from the beauty of the ride.

If you open your mind up through one rabbit hole, the next rabbit hole comes easy...problem is you can't speak while down a rabbit hole. double problem is no one knows your down it! Too busy having Tea with the Mad Hatter....trust me you are the monster at the end of this BOOK.......

Your driving cause you're an Atari Savant. The road is pixels slow motion. We reach the riverfront at the CRACK. Ya Hear that Bart ?! looks like we might juust be on schedule!

The mountain woke me up early, coffee in hand I greeted it.

I was washed over with knowledge. The ancients invited us in.  The road was thick with anticipation. We set offf for the paper promise, red rocks and sunsets, Colorado Chronic.........Paper proved to be only as good as the transport mechanism.

When I found myself at  five thousand feet looking down at our tire inches away from the edge the Rev. smiled, this is a moment.

I was simmoultanously literal and figurative.......it felt euphoric, I waz hanging ten, chin up and out, this was a good wave.

I wasn't used to this kind of sunshine. My senses were abnormally alert. colors rollercoasters  spooky horses and a Giant shrimp drugged me.
I was in deep. I was 5 years old and in mid air from my leap off the high dive. At the impact was FAZZ at best; I found myself under the Pier, The mystics had written this. The Trash Heap has spoken!

Polorids of smiles, alcohol, drugs, smiles and drugs illustrated the myth I had heard about. THe Rev. was in business and making important contacts.

The triangle glass pineapple was my downfall, my stitches had broken and I was hemorrhaging on everything and everyone!  it felt...right.

It wasn't a language that I recognized but I DID recognize the fury.

This Chariot had run its course! Ninja roll towards the Rev., I was in! Golden warmth, cathedral ceilings, welcoming warm twisted grinning clowns beconed me to utopia.....YES! GOAL! .............................................THe bush people showed me the best night I have never had.

excessive is a relative word.......................ever knocked a guy out with a frozen chicken, at 3am in Denny's?!

The proposal was Hilarious, the execution was ninja.

Orchestrated chaos was my stage as I slipped out and grabbed a smoke. I had de-railed them. I was free to think alone....right before the universe congealed...the storm surged outside, engulfed me like an overprotective mother, giant angry eyeballs...their discust was palatable.

Luckily, I had a card up my sleeve, I was on a different plateau and couldn't understand a word they were saying! I didn't have to deal with them! alcohol and obscene amounts of drugs created my throne .

The Rev. shook my hand, "you'll do just fine my boy! Yes! I can work with this one!" .

My path became clear.

Drive straight though, don"t stop for anything - the finish line was in sight, only one more stop to make. We arrived in Vegas just after Midnight...

the place was a ghost town. par for the course. A hidden viper ready to strike, don't let the old lady fool ya; she will poison you and the next thing you know you're a sex slave for the sunday brunch gang. "time to take you're medicine" will haunt you.

Hit the colors, carpet, oxygen, & noise seee where it goes. It wasn't long before the wind changed.

she bellied up next to him.  

ears up, tails wagging I'm ready, what's next! The only thing I understood was after hours bar, my treat...they were French but I wasn't positive that all three were mimes. They tookus underground, whisked into a timeless lounge. everything was excessively large, the universe opened. I was outside looking in. The Rev. was intrigued and placing orders............

I recall high fiving the French guy at 50 mph from different cabs at 7:00am, but I'll never know why we ordered 200 oranges.

When I awoke i noticed that he sky was dark. It Was filled with an exurbanite amount of stars. It was cold, really cold.

"C'mon, let's go" he said. I had seen his face a thousand times before, I knew I should trust him. Blind faith, ... this is religion.

Who the Fuck was He? Where the Fuck was I Going? Wait! Who the Fuck was I? Ride the Wave, see where this goes i figured. Strange quiet ride. objects were bright, really bright.

 Every lightpost housed an angel thaat re-assured me i wasn't going to puke I had decided correctly feeling fuzzy is a good thing. It was when we pulled up to the apartment when time and space collided. I had survived auto pilot.
A Disturbingly Close Look Into the Mind of an Artist.

The night was salty...then the acid kicked in,,,I woke up two days later belly up on a vollyball court, I had no worries caues I owned it, Theoradically speaking. It was mine for the day! I had rented it, unbeknownced to the property owners. Thank you very much was what i remember thinking. Six hours later I came to cognitive thought,  maybe I should move base camp...

I'm a Reverend.
What's that mean to you?? Do I get a pass, or do you automatically get judgmental???

Is either a propper response to the belief you follow???? Now what,........gotta answer the mirror mirror on the wall.

Finding out your hypocritical is a bummer and a reaction trigger to most.

So ninja up when you can expose those who hide from its energetic obviousness. And exist in calm of the Fruitfulness of your internal census. The gathering of semiotics is abundant if you just apply yourself. Most don't pay attention or care which is why semiotics is a measurable study of society. Why care about things outside of the teet.

SUCK MY RED 12" STRAP-ON! she says while wearing an apron and presenting a silver tray of double chocolate chip cookies. That's RIGHT! Let's ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL wake up groggily, with sand in our eyes apathetically watching our existence become caged.


Have ya seen it? It's Great, they got stuff.

A weirdo undercover, taking notes.

The football captain is a meth head with a small cock and the cheerleader is a whore with herpes.

I"ll stay in smurf village thank you very much.

It never hurts to be a Chameleon in situations, acclimate first, find six ways to kill the other person in the room with objects around you, Then smile....shake their hand and just know.

You're self aware nothing can faze you, nothing but internal matters.

Some aRE KNOWN TO RELY ON rELIGION for this awareness. Get it where ya can, as long as it doesn't start to rule your common sense. Twas never my bag....looking at the rides, that one was never one I could understand, I means I was brought up to think independently and here was something contradicting that, with smoke and mirrors of imaginary tales, I've read volumes on other religions which are called myths by the way, to know that it's a fictious story to teach you guidelines and a basic truth. it's not to be taken literal by any means and when that happens that scares me. That's WAR....But that's just the opinion of a GONZO.