
Jesus don't want me for a sunbeam?...Fight you're demons I hear.........funny thing is what do you do when you're the Demon.

Knight to Queen 4, checkmate. The wicked don't get camp.

I was a lie, I think I actually burned footprints in the Chapel. I sat on everyone's shoulder and organized a massive revolt in terms of sexuality and chaos.

This resulted in my first and last year of involvement in organized religion.

Thing is...It's not evil, it's being given the option of choice......

In the end majority chooses the beaten path. easy Pickens I say. Sending the false to ruin is a good deed. Behaving evil filters and is  a heavenly mechinizism used as a necessitity by the string holders soldiers. Self awareness is paramount. The responsibility of a soul Sheppard means letting the sheep choose. Free will after all, trying to hide the bad is evil and twisted, full disclosure is the way.

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